In most cases, we utilize FedEx for club shipments. For instructions on how to redirect FedEx shipments, click here. If your package was shipped using a different carrier, then you can contact the club business office at 1-888-829-1980 to request a redirect your club shipment. We can usually contact the courier and request the order be sent to an alternate address for a nominal fee of $20. We cannot redirect from one state to another. If it is not a FedEx or club shipment, please contact our Direct-to-Consumer Support Department at 707-942-2460.
Simple FAQ Category: Wine Club
I’m out of town and need to redirect my club shipment, how do I do this?
I just signed up for the wine club. When can I do my first club tasting?
You must be an active club member having received at least one shipment prior to doing your first club tasting.
Can I send a friend or family member to use my complimentary tour or tasting at the winery? Copy
Club benefits are not transferrable; club member must be present to use them.
How do I update my account information (e.g.: shipping address, billing information, etc.)?
To make changes to your account, you can sign on into your account here, call the club business office at 1-888-829-1980, or email us from your registered email account to
When will my credit card be charged, for my club shipments?
Your card is charged 7-10 days prior to each shipment to allow time for processing and packaging at our warehouse.
Is tax charged on my club shipments?
Yes, your local tax will be assessed to each club shipment (with some state exceptions).
How much do you charge club members for shipping club shipments?
Standard ground shipping is included in the price of your club shipments for states within the continental U.S. Club members in AK and HI pay a shipping fee of $25 per club shipment. Cellar and Davies Club members who request to be upgraded to 2-day or temperature-controlled shipping will be charged $15, while Jack & Jamie’s and Riddler’s Circle club members will be charged $25.
When can I expect to receive my four club shipments?
We carefully time each shipment to avoid inclement weather, and may decide to adjust the schedule at any time to protect the wine. We want each shipment to arrive to you in pristine condition! Tentatively, you can usually plan on shipments to be sent the second week of February, April, October and the first week of December.
I missed receiving my club shipment and it has returned to the winery, now what?
Please contact the club business office at 1-888-829-1980 to arrange to have us reship it to you during a time frame when you will be available to sign for it. Reshipping the package will incur a nominal fee of $20 (for ground shipping). If you opt not to reship it, we will refund your previously charged club fee minus a $20 restocking fee.
Why won’t the password that you sent to me work?
Be sure you are entering the latest password emailed to you. If you have requested it more than once only the most recent one will work. Passwords are case sensitive and include both numbers and letters. Make sure your Caps Lock is turned off. Be sure you are entering the correct numbers and letters (e.g. “0” is zero, “l” is the lowercase letter L, etc.)
How do I get my password?
Click here to reset your password:
Enter the email address we have on file and select “continue”, and a new custom password will be emailed to you.
How do I log into my account?
On the upper right corner of our website, click on ‘Account’ link or select this link:
Enter in your email address and your custom password (case sensitive).